

Hey there!

I’m Tricia.

Thanks so much for checking out my website! I’m happy you’re here! I can’t wait to get to know you, but in the meantime, here is a little about me!

I’m a dog mama to my adorable (not biased, I promise) Australian shepherds *picture below.

I am all about neutrals and natural light, so my home is full of it!

I love kids and I can’t wait to have a bunch of my own, …but for now, I get to be a stay-at-home wife and dog mama!

My husband, Andrew, and I also have an Australian Shepherd breeding business! You can check us out at Busbee Aussies!

Target + T.j.Maxx are like therapy for me.

I adore the mountains + the beach, but if I had to pick one, I would say mountains are my favorite.

Photography is something I have enjoyed since I was little and my dad let me play with his camera.

Well, that’s a little about me!

Now, I want to know a little about you + your special someone! Head on over to my “contact” page or click the button below and let’s be friends!

Bear, Cedar, & Magnolia

Australian Shepherds